Johncms en script

Give me johncms eng script..please
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Mujtaba, unzip to the root site
Прикрепленные файлы:
Sam cms need you?
venom, is this johncms english script? And can i unzip it in file manger public_html?
Люди берегите воду - пейте пиво...
Mujtaba, To unpack in the folder public_html/
and plz tell me whats the method of installaion? And connect to data base? Plz reply i am expert help me ..thanks
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Mujtaba, I do not speak English, only by Google..
# venom (03.03.2014 / 08:14)
Mujtaba, I do not speak English, only by Google..
you tell me in your language i will translate it by google translator..
Люди берегите воду - пейте пиво...
Mujtaba, Russian, but Google translates poorly
just tell fuction of installtion site to install site in last step ex: ????
Всего: 13