Chatting here

There were too many mistakes i did, i said, and i thought in my sentences.
How many times do i need to be a good speaker?
I learn english myself.
i learn it from english mp3s. And my english books.
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davinci, emm... How old are you agаin?
Блиносвёрт ?
vermas (17.03.2012/15:49)
davinci, emm... How old are you agаin?
I wanted to ask the same question
i do not know when i will die.
maybe 5 minutes again or 100 years again.
I just want to be a woderful man.
everytime i visit english websites im always confuse.
Why am i confuse?
because i do not understand all the setences.
i think i just said incorrect sentences again.
This is not my english level.
Sensus veris
davinci (18.03.2012/00:24)
i think i just said incorrect sentences again.
This is not my english level.
Not too bad level, better than some online translator
i think i should be a translator first.
People say "Talk Less, Do More".
When will i speak in correct sentences?
When will i understand all what i read on english websites?

i say : I DO NOT KNOW.

I think this language is too difficult 4 me.
Untill now, i only understand simple sentences.
Прикрепленные файлы:
i love english but it doesn't love me.
why? Why does it do that to me?
i think im not really stupid.

my other questions are how to make rocket and flash powder and boms?
i heard there are so many bomb makers in russia.
teach me, plz.
my country is very weak in military.
This is interesting
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