Common questions

Where Can i find a johncms english version? In download menu? Sorry I'm newbie
I downnloaded and installed newest version of John cms, but chat dont work! Example, archive have no file usset.php, but it's needs to edit chat settings. And how you see I have no place to write some new message. Plz help!
Прикрепленные файлы:
CaptainAslam (19.06.2010/06:22)
Where Can i find a johncms english version? In download menu? Sorry I'm newbie
I have some older version in English.
Прикрепленные файлы:
Janis (19.06.2010/11:38)
I have some older version in English.
I download this file and why corrupt?:gy
I dont know. I've never tried it.
Janis (19.06.2010/14:25)
I dont know. I've never tried it.
Prreeeettt.... It is unfortunate
Janis (19.06.2010/11:27)
I downnloaded and installed newest version of John cms, but chat dont work! Example, archive have no file usset.php, but it's needs to edit chat settings. And how you see I have no place to write some
friend, just open hall.php in modul chat, find a href="../str/usset.php" and change to a href="../str/my_set.php?act=chat"

correct me if I'm wrong
Sensus veris
CaptainAslam (19.06.2010/13:39)
I download this file and why corrupt?:gy
Official english version not available yet. Probably u got version modified by someone. Just wait for official, it coming soon.
nickname on a screenshot is good!
Ammi (29.06.2010/13:20)
Official english version not available yet. Probably u got version modified by someone. Just wait for official, it coming soon.
Hi greetings from South africa, I been tying to translate johncms using my Blackberry phone. Lost all my data and need to start over am glad that futuere versions will have english supported. Johncms is really the best mobile cms in the world and will grow bigger if in english aswell.
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