admin (john) enter and .... (help install)

am using a mobile phone, so give me this site script and tell me how to install it in a new host.

Were i will install it plzzz
that of hosting? Do you want your installation script with the computer?
am using a mobile phone.

So how can i install the script with my phone.

¤ how can i start intalling,
¤ were will i insatll it?
¤ is it in ''htdocs'' or were?????
Unzip the file to your hosting.
Maybe it's htdocs folder.
Navigate to http://your domain /install/
Use online ftp
did you mean http://my site or http://host ????????????
Гlקоﮎто хоקºωий ฯєλỗßеķ
meeky, http://host
он всего лишь просит как движок на сайт поставить то..блин..
# aRwap (05.11.2016 / 03:50)
meeky, http://host
i cant do it. Please can you help me do it
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