Error on line 14 at column 41: EntityRef: expecting ';' when i post a topic...

When i post a topic which title in Vietnam language.
I have a Error:
Error on line 14 at column 41: EntityRef: expecting ';'

What is error????

Please help me...
I think have a error which
public static function check($str) in "incfiles\classes\functions.php"



    Проверка переменных



    public static function check($str)


        $str = htmlentities(trim($str), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

        $str = nl2br($str);

        $str = strtr($str, array(

                                chr(0) => '',

                                chr(1) => '',

                                chr(2) => '',

                                chr(3) => '',

                                chr(4) => '',

                                chr(5) => '',

                                chr(6) => '',

                                chr(7) => '',

                                chr(8) => '',

                                chr(9) => '',

                                chr(10) => '',

                                chr(11) => '',

                                chr(12) => '',

                                chr(13) => '',

                                chr(14) => '',

                                chr(15) => '',

                                chr(16) => '',

                                chr(17) => '',

                                chr(18) => '',

                                chr(19) => '',

                                chr(20) => '',

                                chr(21) => '',

                                chr(22) => '',

                                chr(23) => '',

                                chr(24) => '',

                                chr(25) => '',

                                chr(26) => '',

                                chr(27) => '',

                                chr(28) => '',

                                chr(29) => '',

                                chr(30) => '',

                                chr(31) => ''


        $str = str_replace("'", "'", $str);

        $str = str_replace('\\', "\", $str);

        $str = str_replace("|", "I", $str);

        $str = str_replace("||", "I", $str);

        $str = str_replace("/\\\$/", "$", $str);

        $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str);

        return $str;


Help me...
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