Forum topic views

Anyone know how to make when you are looking topics on any category and next to theme name to write number of times topic viewed?
Add in your sql db
ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `view` int(11) NOT NULL default '0';

Find this
echo '</p>';
if (!$user_id) {
if ((empty($_SESSION['uppost'])) || ($_SESSION['uppost'] == 0)) {
echo '<a href="index.php?id=' . $id . '&page=' . $page . '&newup">' . $lng_forum['new_on_top'] . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="index.php?id=' . $id . '&page=' . $page . '&newdown">' . $lng_forum['new_on_bottom'] . '</a>';

Add in bottom
mysql_query("UPDATE forum SET view = view + 1 WHERE id = $id");

Find again:
echo '<div class="phdr"><a name="up" id="up"></a><a href="#down"><img src="../theme/' . $set_user['skin'] . '/images/down.png" alt="????" width="20" height="10" border="0"/></a>  <b>' . $type1['text'] . '</b></div>';

Replace with
echo '<div class="phdr"><a name="up" id="up"></a><a href="#down"><img src="../theme/' . $set_user['skin'] . '/images/down.png" alt="????" width="20" height="10" border="0"/></a>  <b>' . $type1['text'] . '|'.$type1['view'].' Views </b></div>';

It counts for every topic, when i view one topic, it gives +1 view to all topics in that category
I making in categories where it shows list of topics under name of topic shows number of views, but when i visit one topic it counts for all topics
It works in topic but how can it show in list of topics number of views?
Never mind i figured it, just in list of topics type
' . $res['view'] . '

and also for counting views i added it in line
// Выводим название топика

not on bottom because when i place in bottom it counts for viewing categories of forum

Thanks bro
I want to make themes order by views except i dont know how to make it to read from views not time
Here is my code for last themes
$kmessreq= 6;
$startreq = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $page * $kmessreq - $kmessreq : (isset($_GET['start']) ? abs(intval($_GET['start'])) : 0); 
$total = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 't' and `kedit`='0' AND `close`!='1' "), 0); 
$req = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 't' and kedit='0' AND `close`!='1' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $startreq, $kmessreq"); 
while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($req)) { 
$nikuser = mysql_query("SELECT `from`,`id`, `time` FROM `forum` WHERE `type` = 'm' AND `close` != '1' AND `refid` = '" . $arr['id'] . "' ORDER BY time DESC"); 
$colmes1 = mysql_num_rows($nikuser); 
$cpg = ceil($colmes1 / $kmess); 
$nam = mysql_fetch_assoc($nikuser);
echo '<div class="teme">';

echo '</b>';
echo '&nbsp;<a href="forum/index.php?id=' . $arr['id'] . '">' . $arr['text'] . '</a> [' . $colmes1 . ']';
if ($cpg > 1)
echo '<a href="forum/index.php?id=' . $arr['id'] . '&amp;page=' . $cpg . '">&gt;&gt;</a>';
if ($colmes1 > 1){
echo ' <font color="red">~ '.$nam['from'].' </font>';
echo ' <font color="red">~ '.$arr['from'].'</font>';
echo '<br/><span class="gray">(' . functions::display_date($arr['time']) . ')</span> | <span class="gray">Pregleda: ' . $arr['view'] . '</span>';

echo '</div>';

Anyone know how to order by views?
Всего: 8