Statuslar'; if ($total > $kmess) echo '
' . functions::display_pagination('all.php?', $start, $total, $kmess) . '
'; $req = mysql_query("SELECT `yosh_status`.*, `yosh_status`.`name` AS `sts`, `yosh_status`.`id` AS `sid`, `users`.`rights`, `users`.`lastdate`, `users`.`sex`, `users`.`status`, `users`.`datereg`, `users`.`id`,`users`.`name` FROM `yosh_status` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `yosh_status`.`id_user` = `users`.`id` ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess); for ($i = 0; $res = mysql_fetch_assoc($req); ++$i) { $text = ''; echo $i % 2 ? '
' : '
'; $text = ' (' . functions::display_date($res['time']) . ')'; $res['name'] = functions::checkout($res['name']); $post = functions::checkout($res['sts'], 1, 1); if ($set_user['smileys']) $post = '
'.functions::smileys($post, $res['rights'] >= 1 ? 1 : 0).'
'; $sts_izoh=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from yosh_status_kom where type='status' and id_kogo='$res[sid]'")); $ajoyib_sts=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `yosh_status_klass` WHERE `type`='status' AND `zakogo`='$res['sid']' AND `kto`='$user_id' LIMIT 1"); $sts1=mysql_query("select * from yosh_status where id='$res['sid']' limit 1"); $zor_sts=mysql_fetch_array($sts1); if($res['id'] != $user_id) { if($user_id and mysql_num_rows($ajoyib_sts)==0 and $user_id!=$res['id']){ $statik = '
'.$sts_izoh.' '.$zor_sts['ajoyib'].' '.$lng['sts_like'].''; }else{ $minus='1'; $ok_status=$zor_sts[ajoyib]-$minus; $statik = '
'.$sts_izoh.' '.$lng['sts_you_and'].' '.$ok_status.''; } }else{ $statik = '
'.$sts_izoh.' '.$zor_sts['ajoyib'].''; } $arg = array( 'header' => $text, 'body' => $post, 'sub' => $statik, 'iphide' => 1 ); echo functions::display_user($res, $arg); echo '
'; } if ($total > $kmess) { echo '
' . functions::display_pagination('all.php?', $start, $total, $kmess) . '
' . '

' . '

'; } require("../incfiles/end.php"); exit(); ?>