use System\Core\DB as DB;
define('_IN_JOHNCMS', 1);
$headmod = 'library';
$lng_lib = core::load_lng('library');
$textl = $lng['library'];
// Ограничиваем доступ к Библиотеке
$error = '';
if (!$set['mod_lib'] && $rights < 7) {
$error = $lng_lib['library_closed'];
} elseif ($set['mod_lib'] == 1 && !$user_id) {
$error = $lng['access_guest_forbidden'];
if ($error) {
echo functions::display_error($error);
// Заголовки библиотеки
if ($do) {
switch ($do) {
case 'dir':
$tab = 'library_cats';
$tab = 'library_texts';
$hdr = $id > 0 ? htmlentities(mb_substr(DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `name` FROM `" . $tab . "` WHERE `id`=" . $id . " LIMIT 1"), 0), 0, 30), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '';
if ($hdr) {
$textl = mb_strlen($hdr) > 30 ? $hdr . '...' : $hdr;
<!-- style table image -->
<style type="text/css">
.avatar {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
.avatar img {
height: 32px;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
width: 32px;
.righttable {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: top;
width: 100%;
<!-- end style -->
if (!$set['mod_lib']) {
echo functions::display_error($lng_lib['library_closed']);
$array_includes = array(
$i = 0;
if (in_array($act, $array_includes)) {
require_once('includes/' . $act . '.php');
} else {
if (!$id) {
echo '<div class="phdr"><strong>' . $lng['library'] . '</strong></div>';
echo '<div class="topmenu"><a href="?act=search">' . $lng['search'] . '</a> | <a href="?act=tagcloud">' . $lng_lib['tagcloud'] . '</a></div>';
echo '<div class="gmenu"><p>';
if ($adm) {
// Считаем число статей, ожидающих модерацию
$res = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `premod`=0"), 0);
if ($res > 0) {
echo '<div>' . $lng['on_moderation'] . ': <a href="?act=premod">' . $res . '</a></div>';
$res = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `time` > '" . (time() - 259200) . "' AND `premod`=1"), 0);
if ($res) {
echo functions::image('new.png', array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16)) . '<a href="?act=new">' . $lng_lib['new_articles'] . '</a> (' . $res . ')<br/>';
echo functions::image('rate.gif', array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16)) . '<a href="?act=top">' . $lng_lib['rated_articles'] . '</a><br/>' .
functions::image('talk.gif', array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16)) . '<a href="?act=lastcom">' . $lng_lib['last_comments'] . '</a>' .
$sql = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `dir`, `description` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `parent`=0 ORDER BY `pos` ASC");
$total = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_cats` WHERE `parent`=0"), 0);
$y = 0;
if ($total) {
while ($row = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc($sql)) {
echo '<div class="list' . (++$i % 2 ? 2 : 1) . '">'
. '<a href="?do=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($row['name']) . '</a> ('
. DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . ($row['dir'] ? 'library_cats' : 'library_texts') . "` WHERE " . ($row['dir'] ? '`parent`=' . $row['id'] : '`cat_id`=' . $row['id'])), 0) . ')';
if (!empty($row['description'])) {
echo '<div style="font-size: x-small; padding-top: 2px"><span class="gray">' . functions::checkout($row['description']) . '</span></div>';
if ($adm) {
echo '<div class="sub">' . ($y != 1 ? '<a href="?act=move&moveset=up&posid=' . $y . '">' . $lng['up'] . '</a> | ' : $lng['up'] . ' | ') . ($y != $total ? '<a href="?act=move&moveset=down&posid=' . $y . '">' . $lng['down'] . '</a>' : $lng['down']) . ' | <a href="?act=moder&type=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a> | <a href="?act=del&type=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="menu">' . $lng['list_empty'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $total . '</div>';
if ($adm) {
echo '<p><a href="?act=mkdir&id=0">' . $lng_lib['create_category'] . '</a></p>';
} else {
$dir_nav = new Tree($id);
switch ($do) {
case 'dir':
// dir
$actdir = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `id`, `dir` FROM `library_cats` WHERE " . ($id !== null ? '`id`=' . $id : 1) . " LIMIT 1"));
$actdir = $actdir['id'] > 0 ? $actdir['dir'] : redir404();
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $dir_nav->print_nav_panel() . '</div>';
if ($actdir) {
$total = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_cats` WHERE " . ($id !== null ? '`parent`=' . $id : '`parent`=0')), 0);
$nav = ($total > $kmess) ? '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('?do=dir&id=' . $id . '&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>' : '';
$y = 0;
if ($total) {
$sql = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `dir`, `description` FROM `library_cats` WHERE " . ($id !== null ? '`parent`=' . $id : '`parent`=0') . ' ORDER BY `pos` ASC LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $kmess);
echo $nav;
while ($row = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc($sql)) {
echo '<div class="list' . (++$i % 2 ? 2 : 1) . '">'
. '<a href="?do=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($row['name']) . ' ' . '</a>('
. DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . ($row['dir'] ? 'library_cats' : 'library_texts') . "` WHERE " . ($row['dir'] ? '`parent`=' . $row['id'] : '`cat_id`=' . $row['id'])), 0) . ')'
. '<div class="sub"><span class="gray">' . functions::checkout($row['description']) . '</span></div>';
if ($adm) {
echo '<div class="sub">'
. ($y != 1 ? '<a href="?do=dir&id=' . $id . '&act=move&moveset=up&posid=' . $y . '">' . $lng_lib['up']
. '</a> | ' : '' . $lng_lib['up'] . ' | ')
. ($y != $total
? '<a href="?do=dir&id=' . $id . '&act=move&moveset=down&posid=' . $y . '">' . $lng_lib['down'] . '</a>'
: $lng_lib['down'])
. ' | <a href="?act=moder&type=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a> | <a href="?act=del&type=dir&id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="menu"><p>' . $lng['list_empty'] . '</p></div>';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $total . '</div>';
echo $nav;
if ($adm) {
echo '<p><a href="?act=moder&type=dir&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a><br/>'
. '<a href="?act=del&type=dir&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a><br/>'
. '<a href="?act=mkdir&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['create_category'] . '</a></p>';
} else {
$total = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `premod`=1 AND `cat_id`=' . $id), 0);
$page = $page >= ceil($total / $kmess) ? ceil($total / $kmess) : $page;
$start = $page == 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $kmess;
$nav = ($total > $kmess) ? '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('?do=dir&id=' . $id . '&', $start, $total, $kmess) . '</div>' : '';
if ($total) {
$sql2 = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `time`, `uploader`, `uploader_id`, `count_views`, `count_comments`, `comments`, `announce` FROM `library_texts` WHERE `premod`=1 AND `cat_id`=" . $id . " ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT " . $start . "," . $kmess);
echo $nav;
while ($row = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc($sql2)) {
echo '<div class="list' . (++$i % 2 ? 2 : 1) . '">'
. (file_exists('../files/library/images/small/' . $row['id'] . '.png')
? '<div class="avatar"><img src="../files/library/images/small/' . $row['id'] . '.png" alt="screen" /></div>'
: '')
. '<div class="righttable"><h4><a href="index.php?id=' . $row['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($row['name']) . '</a></h4>'
. '<div><small>' . functions::checkout(bbcode::notags($row['announce'])) . '</small></div></div>';
// Описание к статье
$obj = new Hashtags($row['id']);
$rate = new Rating($row['id']);
$uploader = $row['uploader_id'] ? '<a href="' . core::$system_set['homeurl'] . '/users/profile.php?user=' . $row['uploader_id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($row['uploader']) . '</a>' : functions::checkout($row['uploader']);
echo '<table class="desc">'
// Тэги
. ($obj->get_all_stat_tags() ? '<tr><td class="caption">' . $lng_lib['tags'] . ':</td><td>' . $obj->get_all_stat_tags(1) . '</td></tr>' : '')
// Кто добавил?
. '<tr>'
. '<td class="caption">' . $lng_lib['added'] . ':</td>'
. '<td>' . $uploader . ' (' . functions::display_date($row['time']) . ')</td>'
. '</tr>'
// Рейтинг
. '<tr>'
. '<td class="caption">' . $lng['rating'] . ':</td>'
. '<td>' . $rate->view_rate() . '</td>'
. '</tr>';
echo '</table></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="menu">' . $lng['list_empty'] . '</div>';
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['total'] . ': ' . $total . '</div>';
echo $nav;
if (($adm || (DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `user_add` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `id`=" . $id), 0) > 0)) && isset($id) && $user_id) {
echo '<p><a href="?act=addnew&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng_lib['write_article'] . '</a>'
. ($adm ? ('<br/><a href="?act=moder&type=dir&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a><br/>'
. '<a href="?act=del&type=dir&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a>') : '')
. '</p>';
$res = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT * FROM `library_texts` WHERE `id`=" . $id));
if ($res['premod'] || $adm) {
// Счетчик прочтений
if (!isset($_SESSION['lib']) || isset($_SESSION['lib']) && $_SESSION['lib'] != $id) {
$_SESSION['lib'] = $id;
DB::getInstance()->query('UPDATE `library_texts` SET `count_views`=' . ($res['count_views'] ? ++$res['count_views'] : 1) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $id);
// Запрашиваем выбранную статью из базы
$symbols = core::$is_mobile ? 3000 : 7000;
$count_pages = ceil(DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(`text`) FROM `library_texts` WHERE `id`= '" . $id . "' LIMIT 1"), 0) / $symbols);
if ($count_pages) {
// Чтоб всегда последнюю страницу считал правильно
$page = $page >= $count_pages ? $count_pages : $page;
$text = DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT SUBSTRING(`text`, " . ($page == 1 ? 1 : ($page - 1) * $symbols) . ", " . ($symbols + 100) . ") FROM `library_texts` WHERE `id`='" . $id . "'"), 0);
$tmp = mb_substr($text, $symbols, 100);
} else {
$nav = $count_pages > 1 ? '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $page == 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * 1, $count_pages, 1) . '</div>' : '';
$catalog = DB::getInstance()->getAssoc(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `id` = " . $res['cat_id'] . " LIMIT 1"));
echo '<div class="phdr"><a href="?"><strong>' . $lng['library'] . '</strong></a> | <a href="?do=dir&id=' . $catalog['id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($catalog['name']) . '</a>' . ($page > 1 ? ' | ' . functions::checkout($res['name']) : '') . '</div>';
// Верхняя постраничная навигация
if ($count_pages > 1) {
echo '<div class="topmenu">' . functions::display_pagination('index.php?id=' . $id . '&', $page == 1 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * 1, $count_pages, 1) . '</div>';
if ($page == 1) {
echo '<div class="list2">';
// Заголовок статьи
echo '<h2>' . functions::checkout($res['name']) . '</h2>';
// Описание к статье
$obj = new Hashtags($res['id']);
$rate = new Rating($res['id']);
$uploader = $res['uploader_id'] ? '<a href="' . core::$system_set['homeurl'] . '/users/profile.php?user=' . $res['uploader_id'] . '">' . functions::checkout($res['uploader']) . '</a>' : functions::checkout($res['uploader']);
echo '<table class="desc">'
// Тэги
. ($obj->get_all_stat_tags() ? '<tr><td class="caption">' . $lng_lib['tags'] . ':</td><td>' . $obj->get_all_stat_tags(1) . '</td></tr>' : '')
// Кто добавил?
. '<tr>'
. '<td class="caption">' . $lng_lib['added'] . ':</td>'
. '<td>' . $uploader . ' (' . functions::display_date($res['time']) . ')</td>'
. '</tr>'
// Рейтинг
. '<tr>'
. '<td class="caption">' . $lng['rating'] . ':</td>'
. '<td>' . $rate->view_rate(1) . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
// Прочтений
. '<tr>'
. '<td class="caption">' . $lng_lib['reads'] . ':</td>'
. '<td>' . $res['count_views'] . '</td>'
. '</tr>'
// Комментарии
. '<tr>';
if ($res['comments']) {
echo '<td class="caption"><a href="?act=comments&id=' . $res['id'] . '">' . $lng['comments'] . '</a>:</td><td>' . $res['count_comments'] . '</td>';
} else {
echo '<td class="caption">' . $lng['comments'] . ':</td><td>' . $lng['comments_closed'] . '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
// Метки авторов
echo '</div>';
$text = functions::checkout(mb_substr($text, ($page == 1 ? 0 : min(position($text, PHP_EOL), position($text, ' '))), (($count_pages == 1 || $page == $count_pages) ? $symbols : $symbols + min(position($tmp, PHP_EOL), position($tmp, ' ')) - ($page == 1 ? 0 : min(position($text, PHP_EOL), position($text, ' '))))), 1, 1);
if ($set_user['smileys']) {
$text = functions::smileys($text, $rights ? 1 : 0);
echo '<div class="list2" style="padding: 8px">';
if ($page == 1) {
// Картинка статьи
if (file_exists('../files/library/images/big/' . $id . '.png')) {
$img_style = 'width: 50%; max-width: 240px; height: auto; float: left; clear: both; margin: 10px';
echo '<a href="../files/library/images/orig/' . $id . '.png"><img style="' . $img_style . '" src="../files/library/images/big/' . $id . '.png" alt="screen" /></a>';
// Выводим текст статьи
echo $text .
'<div style="clear: both"></div>' .
echo '<div class="phdr">' . $lng['download'] . ' <a href="?act=download&type=txt&id=' . $id . '">txt</a> | <a href="?act=download&type=fb2&id=' . $id . '">fb2</a></div>';
echo $nav
. ($user_id && $page == 1 ? $rate->print_vote() : '');
if ($adm || DB::getInstance()->getCount(DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT `uploader_id` FROM `library_texts` WHERE `id` = " . $id), 0) == $user_id && $user_id) {
echo '<p><a href="?act=moder&type=article&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['edit'] . '</a><br/>'
. '<a href="?act=del&type=article&id=' . $id . '">' . $lng['delete'] . '</a></p>';
} else {
} // end switch
} // end else !id
} // end else $act