Johncms editor

Very few people write code at 9 in Johncms. Personally, I write code based on the documentation and have to search for some functions. That's why I made the Johncms coding module mainly for myself. I want to distribute it openly for free, thinking that someone else will need it.

I posted the code on github and aimed to add new additions. The main purpose of this is to write faster code for johncms. For Johncms, 35 acronyms are currently available for use. We will increase this number in the future with your help.
Github Code Link
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Добавлено: 15.05.2021 / 18:47
Only admins with Site Developer status can access the module.
Demo version

Добавлено: 21.09.2021 / 13:52
The next version will be released for Johncms 10 and will have a lot of things you need. The front part is written in VUEJS
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