Unknown encoder 'libvo_aacenc'
Не проходит код:
// STEP 3 //
// Encode raw video to H.264 //
// Debug Log
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, "\nPreparing for: H.264 Encoding...") : null;
// Encode raw video to H.264
$h264Command = "$ffmpegPath -i $rawVideo " . Settings::get('h264_encoding_options') . " $h264TempFilePath >> $debugLog 2>&1";
// Debug Log
$logMessage = "\n\n\n\n==================================================================\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 ENCODING\n";
$logMessage .= "==================================================================\n\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 Encoding Command: $h264Command\n\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 Encoding Output:\n\n";
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'H.264 Encoding Command: ' . $h264Command) : null;
App::log($debugLog, $logMessage);
// Execute H.264 encoding command
// Debug Log
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Verifying H.264 video was created...') : null;
// Verify temp H.264 video was created successfully
if (!file_exists($h264TempFilePath) || filesize($h264TempFilePath) < 1024*5) {
throw new Exception("The temp H.264 file was not created. The id of the video is: $video->videoId");
// STEP 4 //
// Shift Moov atom on H.264 video //
// Debug Log
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, "\nShifting moov atom on H.264 video...") : null;
// Prepare shift moov atom command
$h264ShiftMoovAtomCommand = "$qtFaststartPath $h264TempFilePath $h264FilePath >> $debugLog 2>&1";
// Debug Log
$logMessage = "\n\n\n\n==================================================================\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 SHIFT MOOV ATOM\n";
$logMessage .= "==================================================================\n\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 Shift Moov Atom Command: $h264ShiftMoovAtomCommand\n\n";
$logMessage .= "H.264 Shift Moov Atom Output:\n\n";
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'H.264 Shift Moov Atom Command: ' . $h264ShiftMoovAtomCommand) : null;
App::log($debugLog, $logMessage);
// Execute shift moov atom command
// Debug Log
$config->debugConversion ? App::log(CONVERSION_LOG, 'Verifying final H.264 file was created...') : null;
// Verify H.264 video was created successfully
if (!file_exists($h264FilePath) || filesize($h264FilePath) < 1024*5) {
throw new Exception("The final H.264 file was not created. The id of the video is: $video->videoId");
В инете смотрел как исправить, но там только для UBUNTU
FFmpeg лежит в папке со скриптом (как и установил движок)
Когда убираю код конвертации, видео добавляется, но с компа не получается смотреть-