Modif logo upload

CyberGhostNet Group
Here its my mod.. To change logo web.. So if you want to change just upload images and select on panel.. You can up more images..
First open your head
Change the logo url with this:
<img src="'.$config['homeurl'].'/images/logo/'.$config['logourl'].'">

Open dir images create one dir with name "logo"

Donwload my file so you can see 2 file.. logo.php and sql
Import sql to your db
Import logo.php to admin/includes
Open your index.php on admin/ add my code to access logo.php
So you can up more logo and select anywhere without login to root..
Прикрепленные файлы:
CyberGhostNet Group
Прикрепленные файлы:
Я не могу johncms 6.2.1
# istanbluebay (05.04.2017 / 16:52)
Я не могу johncms 6.2.1
Так у него, скорее ввсего, 7. Он под 7 делает
CyberGhostNet Group
# istanbluebay (05.04.2017 / 16:52)
Я не могу johncms 6.2.1
This for 6xx
Прикрепленные файлы:
можно писать информацию в файл, а не в базу. там три поля то всего
CyberGhostNet Group
# Koenig (05.04.2017 / 19:19)
можно писать информацию в файл, а не в базу. там три поля то всего
Why ? I thinking some with you but maybe i will fix
Gabriel, We will store a maximum of 10 icons, and to store their names, to put them in the output for selection, we will pull a huge demon when reading a small file and create a small array of it will be both faster and easier
example file db ... =5792
CyberGhostNet Group
# Koenig (05.04.2017 / 22:14)
Gabriel, We will store a maximum of 10 icons, and to store their names, to put them in the output for selection, we will pull a huge demon when reading a small file and create a small array of it wil
Ok i understand thanks you koenig I will fix
Thank you koenig
Всего: 18