Hey guys,
i am poor in mysql,
can u help me to do something in mysql?
In a table named 'users' there are 'id', 'nick', 'password' , 'status' and 'token'
The default values of tables varibles are;
'id=1', 'nick=john', 'pass=pass123', 'status=0', and 'token=abcdef'
And how to update a table 'status=1' when there is a valid token with valid user 'id'. And return false when there is already 'status=1', invalid 'id' and invalid token.
It will be useful for vertification user through email.
Vertification link will be: [url=forum]http://example.com/verify.php?user_id=1&token=abcdef[/url]
Please do it!