Статьи для johnCMS 5.x.x

Ego vir viden
# andry5ury4 (07.08.2013 / 11:45)
arghh can someone translate readme!!.txt into english
I'll try
Ego vir viden
# andry5ury4 (07.08.2013 / 11:45)
arghh can someone translate readme!!.txt into english
Don't laugh

Notification !!!
1) For this script it's necesary to have mod_rewrite.
2)If you are not sure will be able to establish,don't try!

1)Via PhpMyAdmin pour the contents into the database file ablogs.sql
2)Pour on the server "incfiles" and "articles" folders only
(The script doesn't affect system files to the engine, cann't survive)
3)In the root .htaccess insert at the end of the file content to_htaccess.txt
4)In pages/mainmenu.php insert the file content of to_mainmenu.txt
5) Profit !


1) Prohibited to sell the script, including the edited (What percent of of changes,no difference).
when I set out ablogs error: CORE ERROR: Language file is missing ablogs.lng
T had copied the language file "ru" in incfiles / languages / ru and that will never be?
Please help me?
nhat, You must translate .lang files to language what you use in johncms, and put it to corresponding folder. If it's english put in "en".
@web_demon: thanks! I did succeed!
а как встраивать в статью картинку?
можно вывести статьи на главную если да то как?
# Siege (03.08.2013 / 14:13)
зачем этот мод, если есть библиотека?
А в библиотке можно прикреплять картинки?
I'm the Cult of Personality...
жаль нет поиска. Ну а так супер.
web_demon, Эээм...над с просмотрами что-то сделать, считает каждое обновление страницы за просмотр, не хотелось бы.
Всего: 160