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сделал для Джона 5.x.x
By: vermas
Edited for 5.x.x : SpAgEtE
а почему автора не указал?
SpAgEtE, Живой Пример где ?
Ошибка синтаксического анализа XML: несоответствующий тег. Ожидается: </small>. Адрес:
http://spagetewap.eu5.org/blac ... k.php Строка 16, символ 960:
SpAgEtE, License JohnCMS, file end.php
The copyright JohnCMS could not be removed within 90 days of installation scripts
I know
that site is installed last year in october
it was 4.4.0 then when i wanted to put Balans i screwed functions.php then i installed script two days ago again
o dont think i need to hold it again 90days, do I?