Need BB Code

i need [img]image linnk [/img] < this bbcode, i mean image taging code, if anbody hav this thn share with me
А your this зачем?
HaTTaKe (17.05.2011/01:39)
А your this зачем?
HaTTaKe, хватит флудить в англецком форуме
$var = preg_replace('#\[IMG\](.*?)\[/IMG\]#si', '<img src="\1" alt="" />', $var);
Taltos (19.05.2011/11:28)
$var = preg_replace('#\[IMG\](.*?)\[/IMG\]#si', '<img src="\1" alt="" />', $var);
its not working
Taltos (19.05.2011/13:28)
$var = preg_replace(&#039;#\[IMG\](.*?)\[/IMG\]#si&#039;, &#039;&lt;img src=&quot;\1&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&#039;, $var);
where is that code add? and i want bbcode for link example as name how edit?
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