I ask anyone for modules, list member online for johncms 4.3
Eg: Members Online [63]
hunghalong22, nhoc_lang_thang, kiencrazykien, Quangnhuan8x, xomenox, khanhden, nguyenloitv, kuzkute, linhkau, hoangdao2, dungem_anhchuamuon, dan158, phongout, Kiemkhackgiangho, ĐạiSoái, hoang15791, sonthu, rongconhandsome, langtuthusinh, hoangtheanhls, Angelcry123, iupepap, co_co_94, nhox_mjzako, Dinhyeunhung, kuteo_game, Dungtienptvn, Cuongdaik, voctocdep, drtan, birainxinh, nhoxboy96_online, ptlong, anhlavipht, nhoxsatthu, huynhtiennghia, lynghi, hathuy883, keith653, canduonglaanh, killyoumkb, bjngo, xuantho91, duychjen, heomy, akira_phan, khongyeu761, hitman_koni, nh4tl4, Phucmada, hoangdatinh94, aomu, levantri, phuong685, ngvdungbl, kingoflife, Xmen29, levanquyen972, vanhan1st, boyhot9x, kid_1101, tanphap92, Rio.
i see, there are some mod here
http://www.vnsv.net john cms 4.4 add very mod great.
I am from Vietnam. I have a question. I know there are probably my question to you wouldbe silly .. But ask the you help me. The friends or guide me how to upthe file JohnCMS, first to create something in the web directory, or file anything up in that folder .. Thank you before nhe.
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khongyeu761 (01.08.2011/09:08)
Eg: Members Online [63]
hunghalong22, nhoc_lang_thang, kiencrazykien, Quangnhuan8x, xomenox, khanhden, nguyenloitv, kuzkute, linhkau, hoangdao2, dungem_anhchuamuon, dan158, phongout, Kiemkhackgiangh
Put this file into the folder incfiles/ and write the code in the incfiles/end.php there is need :
if($headmod == 'mainpage'){ require_once 'show_users_online.php'; }
русский вариант.
распаковать архив в папку incfiles/ и в incfiles/end.php в нужном месте вывода онлайн пользователей написать строку
if($headmod == 'mainpage'){ require_once 'show_users_online.php'; }
выводит только на главной!