建议:topic and reply 分开读取,不要都用type'm'(can't all use type'm')
sorry english very wrong
KALASHHNIKOV (14.08.2011/00:04)Yep, may be JohnCMS is mostly popular wapcms in the world
KALASHHNIKOV (14.08.2011/00:28)v-wap.com
donsy, Can you show the site?
donsy (15.08.2011/04:03)good work man but why You doesn't translate all words into Chinese?
Blade (15.08.2011/06:14)translated all words into Chinese
good work man but why You doesn't translate all words into Chinese?
AlkatraZ (23.08.2011/15:34)thanks
donsy, well done! Good job, now included in the official version