create more guestbook

hello all master, i have some problem, i want to create more 1 guestbook but not same title guestbook, i mind i want to create group guestbook with other title . can some one help me ?? sorry for bad language
Its easy In phpMyAdmin create new table and edit name table in index.php guestbook
Use combination cntrl+H in phpdesigner(google it) to change all in one click!
Mes que un club
also you can find here in the forum "qchat". it's smth same
after create new table i need copy guestbook.php and edit title and put to new directory or same directory ??? please help me
Mes que un club
edit in the code word "guestbook.php" to your new guestbook. and were it will be it's like you want. but if you want in the home dir [color=#f82e00]//color] you need to edit way to the e, head, end.php
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