help me jcms 4.4.0

Hello my friends.i use johncms 4.4.0. Smileys,themes or languages are having in ftp.But i don't see them in adminstration panel or in FAQ.Please help me
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elvin97 (06.01.2013 / 14:06)
Hello my friends.i use johncms 4.4.0. Smileys,themes or languages are having in ftp.But i don't see them in adminstration panel or in FAQ.Please help me
So you're not the mot put
Sensus veris
Try to update smileys in the admin panel and msg here what's happen after that.
Libra (06.01.2013 / 14:38)
Try to update smileys in the admin panel and msg here what's happen after that.
i'm trying.but not any changeable
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