I use web module by Dislike
Web module v1.0 by Dislike
So my problem is mainmenu, in web version i use head_web.php and end_web.php , in wap i use head_wap.php and end_wap.php also i set for web to use mainmenu2.php and for wap mainmenu.php but the problem is on web it still uses mainmenu.php instead of mainmenu2.php how to fix this?
Unfortunately i can not answer because I did not write this module.
There will come a writer, or someone who knows and can help.
Problem i really retarded
As you can see i set all properly
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') or die('Error:restricted access');
if (isset($_COOKIE['the']))
$the = $_COOKIE['the'];
elseif (!$is_mobile)
$the = 'web';
} else {
$the = 'wap';
if ($the == 'web')
$version = 'style';
$vers = 'head_web.php';
$end_vers = 'end_web.php';
$main_menu = 'mainmenu2.php';
if ($the == 'wap')
$version = 'theme';
$vers = 'head_wap.php';
$end_vers = 'end_wap.php';
$main_menu = 'mainmenu.php';
require_once (''.$vers.'');
but still showing mainmenu for wap
I can not check the whole unit, but now test your code for errors.
I checked.
In the code that you have given, there is no error.
It is necessary to analyze the code for the entire module
I think that file is key of module
SpAgEtE, if the problem is in mainmenu you should inspect the file where $main_menu variable is used
I think it is in /index.php there is code require('pages/mainmenu.php'); i tried to remove that code but then it dont show mainmenu on web and wap