Help me in chat rooms

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Dear Developers i am new in johncms, Dear Sir please help me adding Chat rooms in johncms 6.1.2 script, tell me step by step, Thank you.!
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# Ms-Rajpot (22.10.2015 / 20:14)
Dear Developers i am new in johncms, Dear Sir please help me adding Chat rooms in johncms 6.1.2 script, tell me step by step, Thank you.!
Hello dear!
I advise you to pay attention to these topics:

1) Чат для JOHNcms 4.х.х
Chat a bit old, but still good.
Moreover, the author here on the site and you can communicate directly with them about improvements...
(Колян, обрати внимание, чат опять начал порльзоваться популярностью, допили под новые версии).

2) Мини-чат for JohnCMS 6.1.2
Mini chat. Simple, but in many cases it may be useful.
Dear AlkatraZ Sir, Thank you for Help, Sir please tell me now how i can attach to this mchat script in my uploaded Johncms 6.1.2 Script ?
Ms-Rajpot, follow links, ... 47902 latest ver
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