How to show guestbook in head.php

What code to show guestbook in head.php like mchat for 6.2.0
First make file like showchat.php in incfiles folder and input code

global $realtime;
global $user_id;
$req = mysql_query("SELECT `guest`.*, `users`.`name`, `users`.`rights`, `users`.`lastdate`, `users`.`sex`, `users`.`status`, `users`.`datereg`, `users`.`ip` , `users`.`browser`   FROM `guest` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `guest`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` WHERE `guest`.`adm`='0' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT 2;");
while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
   echo ceil(ceil($i / 2) - ($i / 2)) == 0 ? '<div class="list1">' : '<div class="list2">';
   global $set_user, $realtime, $user_id, $admp, $home;
   $ontime = $res['lastdate'] + 300;
   if (time() > $ontime) {
      echo '<span style="color:red;"><b>&bull;</b></span>&nbsp;';
   } else {
      echo '<span style="color:#00c700;"><b>&bull;</b></span>&nbsp;';
   if (!empty($user_id) && ($user_id != $res['user_id'])) {
      echo '<a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/users/profile.php?user=' . $res['user_id'] . '"><b>'.$res['name'] .'</b></a>';
   } else {
      echo '<b>' . $res['name'] . '</b> ';
   $ontime = $res['lastdate'] + 300;
   if (time() > $ontime) {
      echo ': ';
   } else {
      echo ': ';
  if (!empty($res['status']))
    $text = htmlentities($res['text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    $text = bbcode::tags($text);
    $text = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $text);
   if ($res['user_id']) {
         $text = functions::checkout(mb_substr(wordwrap($res['text'], 30, " ", true), 0, 100), 1, 1);
   if ($set_user['smileys'])
         $text = functions::smileys($text, $res['rights'] >= 1 ? 1 : 0);

      echo $text;
      if (mb_strlen($res['text']) > 100)
         echo ' ... <a href="' . $set['homeurl'] . '/guestbook/">(More)</a>';
         echo '</div>';

and in head.php input where you want

Всего: 2