Can't show last topics on homepage

Hello, i need this modules. I want to see last themes on homepage. I write code, but dont work. When i delete `type`='t' from code, this work. But, i see all themese, categorys and so on. Please, help me.
U must add
Order by `time` Limit 10;

into your SQL
$limit = '5';
$req_t = mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `text` FROM `forum` WHERE `type`='t' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT $limit ");
while($res_t = mysql_fetch_array($req_t))
echo '<p><a href="forum/?id='.$res_t['id'].'"><span style="color:#FFA500"><b>Forumda son mövzu: '.$res_t['text'].'</b></span></a></p>';

is it correct code?
RZYV_login, yes
But, not working
When i write this code, i dont see anything. I think this is localhost problem.
RZYV_login, yes, problem on your side, because i cheked your code and it work normal.
Thanks for all
I've renamed this topic. Choose a correct name for topics next time please.
reaper, Okay. Sorry.
Всего: 11