$realtime is the variable that contains real (present) time, just read the name of it
I want to insert a javascript code on some script, but how to do that?
in the file some_page.php
echo '<script>some script here</script>';
and you will be happy
seg0ro (10.11.2010/16:25)
in the file some_page.php
Wright echo '<script>some script here</script>';
and you will be happy
so i can insert javascript code to some script with
echo '<script>some script here</script>'; ?
between this two tags <script>
If code fopen the func for create file automaticcaly, if delete file automatic, what the code?
How to resize screenshot show on download? please help me
seek code
if (!empty ($_SESSION['razm'])) {
$razm = $_SESSION['razm'];
else {
$razm = 50;
in file
../download/view.php and set instead 50 your variant