xz4n (13.04.2011/12:10)
i have twitter n facebooo,brot! Anyone here has yahoo koprol theme?
Koprol Made In Indonesia, so people outside Indonesia not make koprol theme
CaptainAslam (13.04.2011/13:24)
Koprol Made In Indonesia, so people outside Indonesia not make koprol theme
Indonesia many people here so I
full koprol theme in progress so be patient
xz4n (10.04.2011/06:57)
example in onespace.co.gp
first,open file menuextendfb-by-axxcteam.zip
Replace index.php in main root with
index.php in file.and then, rename
mainmenu.php in root pages with
mainmenu1.php, then
What your WapSite? i"m Viet Nam
TrinhMinhCanh (10.05.2011/15:58)
What your WapSite? i"m Viet Nam
onespace.co.gp n I'm from Indonesia
could you please help? I'm making my guestmenu in wap, I want to ask how to do I'll call head.php in index.php is different for visitors and logged member? please help me
this my wap