ex for bad word as fuck, shit..and antilink as http:, www... How anti and replace it? please guide for me, thank a lot
no have person help me. nãn! please comment for me.
If there's no answer, than people don't know how to do this
i think edit option translit box? why i cant say 'fuck' here which that word no anti it on this site
one more rude word and you will not say anymore (ban)
my wap when write
http://johncms.com, it have link to that link, i must write [url=http://johncms.com]johncms[ /url]
how do i must it? i want such as this site johncms, write
http://johcms.com will link to that link
chatgirlviet, Edit highlight_url function. Its simple...
Remixez (08.07.2011/23:32)
chatgirlviet, Edit highlight_url function. Its simple...
where file do i must edit and which line?
add this in antilink function
'fuck' => '**SeNsOr**',