Web theme error

Help me please, i use original johncms 5.1.0 and i use web theme from selemet. and i've got this error when open web theme. but in wap theme is no error.
Прикрепленные файлы:
error only in homepage or index.php.
Прикрепленные файлы:
Люди берегите воду - пейте пиво...
hackers_cheater, .htaccess
short_open_tag On
Let Mortal Kombat begin
hackers_cheater, next time, ask your question in the topic with the module in order to create new one
# seg0ro (17.08.2013 / 11:38)
hackers_cheater, next time, ask your question in the topic with the module in order to create new one
Sorry, in that topic is use russian language. I think must ask in this section (English Language). Thanx for the answer.
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