Daily bonus for coins from 100 to 1000

Default code:
if(time() > $datauser['money_time'] + 3600 * 24){
    $mon = $datauser['balans'] + 100;
    mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `balans` = '$mon', `money_time` = '".time()."' WHERE `id` = '$user_id'");
    $list[] = 'Daily bonus +100';

anyone know how to set to user get from 100 to 1000coins daily?
Mes que un club
$mon = $datauser['balans'] + 100; // change to 1000
Блиносвёрт ?
SpAgEtE, use random and cron
I got it tnx Jane works now
# Gaucer (05.09.2015 / 16:49)
$mon = $datauser['balans'] + 100; // change to 1000
I meant random coins from 100-1000
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