Common questions

Let Mortal Kombat begin
Common ?-s are welcomed here...
Hi Hi, this is a topic for foreigners?
if the site is in English at all?
for better communication
Let Mortal Kombat begin
Dimario, this subforum is not for chatting in english, And not for russians, we have another one. Please, stick to the rules
seg0ro, well, I will abide by the rules, I will help as I can!
Let Mortal Kombat begin
But try not to use google translate. Don't ask why, it is obvious
it from English into Russian is translated, but rather dreadful!a translator is best?
Let Mortal Kombat begin
I don't understand you. Stop writtgng here, or i will ban you. If you want to talk, use site mail.
Seg0ro, after i made dump all the db files, how to made it connect with my new site on new server? i asked my hosting but he never give me the answer.
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