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Libra, as your mood? in my town now rain
Sensus veris
Eurogon (21.07.2013 / 15:52)
Libra, as your mood? in my town now rain
We got the rain too ) but wrere my parents live it's more funny ))) ... pJ2xo
Sensus veris
Eurogon (21.07.2013 / 16:03)
Ahaha ) yes, that was big rain )))
communication with native speakers is really good) the opportunity for russian wap masters to increase their Engl lvl)
Libra, and so often?
Killerok, I agree with you
Sensus veris
Eurogon (21.07.2013 / 16:07)
Libra, and so often?
I don't know, long time wasn't there ))) not 2 often i think )
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