Need last 5 forum posts on main in JCMS 9.6.0

I need last 5 forum posts code on main page  in JCMS 9.6.0 . can anyone help me please.
loveraziz, forum/?type=topic&id=12043

Testing site
Admin setting 
Last Forum themes on Index page
Last upload on index
Last library
Прикрепленные файлы:
I tried this one but after extracting it shows 500 http error ...
loveraziz, So you didn't install it correctly...
PaRtiZzaN, I just upload this zip file in public_html and then extract it. but when I putyour given code in config/routs.php file then it shows error. 
PaRtiZzaN, is HomepageController.phtml file need any special access or its folder ?
loveraziz, The second point is not to add the code, but on the contrary to comment out, remove the code from line 28...
PaRtiZzaN, as your instruction i remove the code from line 28 .. https 500 error disappeared but no posts showing on homepage
loveraziz, In the settings, you need to change 0 to another number
Всего: 13