May I have some brothers john.

May I have some brothers
john Where is a mod mod
thanks, mod mod Gallery and
available for members,
please test for me. Thanks.
Nothing unclear. Explain more.
Hohoho. Viet nam No1. Wellcome to wapsite (johncms 3.0)
Do you mod suggestions, not
Gallery of john? If so, let me
ask of you.
Sensus veris
Can't read this
I am a Vietnamese, I said you
do not understand correctly.
Buzzkon (01.07.2010/08:06)
Hohoho. Viet nam No1. Wellcome to wapsite (johncms 3.0)
You reklam the site it is forbidden By the rules of site
Buzzkon (01.07.2010/08:06)
Hohoho. Viet nam No1. Wellcome to wapsite (johncms 3.0)
By the way class site
We must make source code
john became a most
beautiful, most do so, at
the other you do not create
a separate style for wap.
Your source code is very
nice, but you do not make it
more beautiful to.
hoangtuthatlong (01.07.2010/13:47)
We must make source codejohn became a mostbeautiful, do so, atthe other you do not createa separate style for wap.Your source code is verynice, but you do not make itmore beautifu
Are there you about what? About what beauty? About a code is there a john silt about a design?
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