How to show last pitcures of users on main menu?

Hi frieds,i need code to show last pitcures of users on main menu
How much users show on main menu?
Pictures of album
Да не юзеров отобразить, а последнюю картинку.
show random fhotos of user's album
like this site
Put this code on end.php

echo'<div class="footer"><b>Random Photo</b></div>';
$hammad4=mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `tmb_name`, `time` FROM `cms_album_files`   order by rand() limit 1  ")
echo'<div class="list2"><img src="../files/users/album/'.$ar34['user_id'] .'/'.$ar34['tmb_name'] .'" alt="'.$ar34['id'] .'"/> ';
print'<a href="../users/profile.php?user='.$ar34['user_id'] .'">Visit Profile</a><br/>

pakalika (27.05.2011/14:00)
Put this code on end.php

echo'<div class="footer"><b>Random Photo</b></div>';
$hammad4=mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `user_id`, `tmb_name`, `time` FROM `cms_album_files`   order by rand() limit
Not work.[php]order by rand() limit 1  ");
print'<a href="../users/profile.php?user='.$ar34['user_id'] .'">Visit Profile</a>'; /php]
*Tanks *
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