Mod New Thread v1.1

ThIs code is print new thread to your mainpage with icon like pin, survey, lock.
By the v1.1 for best loading and easy modification. i'm write this code very short.
copy and paste to anywhere that you want to show.
// Mod New Thread v1.1 - Nato -
echo '<div class="phdr">New threads</div>';
$chkbv = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(*) from `forum` where type = 't'"), 0);
$chka = mysql_query("select `text`, `id`, `user_id`, `vip`, `edit`, `realid` from `forum` where `type` = 't' order by time desc limit $start, $kmess");
$nato = 1;
while($chkb = mysql_fetch_array($chka)) {
echo $nato % 2 ? '<div class="list1">' : '<div class="list2">';
echo '<img src="/images/';
if($chkb['vip'] == 1) echo 'pt.gif'; elseif($chkb['edit']==1) echo 'tz.gif'; elseif($chkb['realid'] == 1) echo 'rate.gif'; else echo 'np.gif';
echo '" alt="" /> <a href="/forum/?id='.$chkb['id'].'">'.$chkb['text'].'</a></div>';
++$nato; }
if($chkbv > $kmess)
echo '<div class="list2">' . functions :: display_pagination ( '?' , $start , $chkbv , $kmess ) . '</div>';

for anyone who use my Prefix tags v1 by me, take this code
// Mod New Thread v1.1 with Prefix v1 tags - Nato -
echo '<div class="phdr">New Threads</div>';
$chkbv = mysql_result(mysql_query("select count(*) from `forum` where type = 't'"), 0);
$chka = mysql_query("select `prefix`, `text`, `id`, `user_id`, `vip`, `edit`, `realid` from `forum` where `type` = 't' order by time desc limit $start, $kmess");
$nato = 1;
while($chkb = mysql_fetch_array($chka)) {
echo $nato % 2 ? '<div class="list1">' : '<div class="list2">';
echo '<img src="/images/';
if($chkb['vip'] == 1) echo 'pt.gif'; elseif($chkb['edit']==1) echo 'tz.gif'; elseif($chkb['realid'] == 1) echo 'rate.gif'; else echo 'np.gif';
echo '" alt="" /> ';
if(!empty($chkb['prefix'])) echo '['.$chkb['prefix'].'] ';
echo '<a href="/forum/?id='.$chkb['id'].'">'.$chkb['text'].'</a></div>';
++$nato; }
if($chkbv > $kmess)
echo '<div class="list2">' . functions :: display_pagination ( '?' , $start , $chkbv , $kmess ) . '</div>';

for icon use your own, i'm use default icon for best loading.
Done, any error pm me.
Demo: mobile
Demo image: ... 5.jpg
'cuz hotlink protect, you must refresh the image link to see the image.
Leech source:
i'm VN people so i can't support for anyone speakout EN, VN
To be continue updating for version 1.2...
Include forum new funciton. Over
Всего: 3