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Let Mortal Kombat begin
mbelek (16.09.2010/07:42)
okay, never mind what I asked
for a folder segoro.boleh
forum, I'll match func.php
mbelek, sorry, but i don't know.
It was about bb-codes
@Segoro really sorry, if I can
find johncms 322 engine that
has been equipped BBCode
above, sorry if I was wrong
Let Mortal Kombat begin
mbelek (16.09.2010/19:42)
if I can
find johncms 322 engine that
has been equipped BBCode
I think no.
You should do it by yourself
oke thankz @segoro..
Segoro I may ask for the download link johncms 3,22 engines complete with bbcodenya?please help me
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