Hi, everybody, I'm from China!

Sensus veris
Jiuwap (08.01.2013 / 11:44)
DagSoftWare, Thank you, this the wap version with Chinese what?
I doubt...
Libra, I use, and in some places can not be displayed, avatars do not show up, do not know where the problem myself uninstall!
Sensus veris
Jiuwap (08.01.2013 / 12:01)
Libra, I use, and in some places can not be displayed, avatars do not show up, do not know where the problem myself uninstall!
I think you need change your hosting. If you need a free hosting, try to find it here
Libra, 您的文章 (08.01.2013 / 13:14) 答案, I can not pay the models here!
Free host it?
Люблю чай, как панда любит бамбук!
Jiuwap (08.01.2013 / 11:40)
BULA, I am very glad to meet you?
I also
Sensus veris
Jiuwap (08.01.2013 / 12:17)
Free host it?
Yes, but there a lot of links to the free hostings, you need to find one you like
Libra (08.01.2013 / 12:20)
Yes, but there a lot of links to the free hostings, you need to find one you like
Can you help me to apply for a free host good point, because in some places I do not understand, thank you!
Sensus veris
Jiuwap (08.01.2013 / 12:26)
Can you help me to apply for a free host good point, because in some places I do not understand, thank you!
Try this http://www.000webhost.com/
I never used this hosting, but other people used.
Libra (08.01.2013 / 12:34)
Try this http://www.000webhost.com/
I never used this hosting, but other people used.
I've heard that too, but the application can not be here with us, IP restrictions! !
Let Mortal Kombat begin
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