Common questions

Let Mortal Kombat begin
do you have PhpMyAdmin?
so use it to import database
Does adress have changed?
last question, sorry if i wasting ur time.
is it need to make new installation? and at database configuration i set to the imported db right?
ya, with new address.
Let Mortal Kombat begin
no installation required, you just ought to change yous siteadress to new one in the table `cms_settings` and thats it.
sorry if i wasting ur time.
It's mu job, and pleasure
Seg0ro, its works. Very nice. So simple. Import database, edit cms_setting value done.. You guys rawks!! johncms script the best thanks 4 solved my problems. Happy 9th may all
I want to Ask, may i make a topic 'criticism & suggestions' for english speaking people on the menu 'Other' this?
Let Mortal Kombat begin
CaptainAslam, yes you can.
Let Mortal Kombat begin
MAXIMUM, first, you are from russia, do not write here
second, use your brains, but not google translate(i don't understand you)
seg0ro (21.06.2010/05:00)
MAXIMUM, first, you are from russia, do not write heresecond, use your brains, but not google translate(i don't understand you)
I understand your purpose seg0ro. This is forum is special for International people not only for Russian people. Right, seg0ro?
Let Mortal Kombat begin
actually yes
May i make a "Requested Script" Topic for english speaking people in 'Other', seg0ro? Or use "Searching Script"?
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